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Percolation Test Nationwide


The purpose of an EPA Site Suitability Assessment is to determine the suitability of the site for a wastewater treatment system. The assessment will also help to predict the wastewater flow through the subsoil and into the sub-surface materials. The site characterisation process outlined here is applicable to the development of a single house and more extensive site characterisation is required for cluster and large-scale developments.

The key to installing a reliable on-site system that minimises the potential for pollution is to select and design a suitable treatment system following a thorough site assessment. For a subsoil to be effective as a medium for treating wastewater, it should retain the wastewater for a sufficient length of time, and it should be largely unsaturated and hence aerated.

Only after a site assessment has been completed can an on-site system be chosen.
The information collected in the evaluation will be used to select the on-site system.

In designing a wastewater treatment system to treat and dispose of the wastewater, three factors should be considered:

  • Are there any site restrictions on the site?
  • Is the site suitable to treat the wastewater? (Attenuation)
  • Is the site able to dispose of the wastewater? (Hydraulic load)

For upgrading or new builds we have a network of experienced and qualified site assessors throughout Ireland who have direct experience with each local authority ensuring a smooth planning process. Contact us to discuss your individual requirements.

We can provide you with a design, quotation  and site specific report , book a percolation test today and lets get your project started.

Book a Site Assessment