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Sand Polishing Filter Kits Complete

-Sand Polishing Filter Kits

Comes with Biosand 2 grades, LPPN pipework and plywood panelling.

● Independently tested by an accredited certification house
● Both grades of biosand for stratified sand filters included.
● Complies with EPA code of practice table 10.2, 2009 and 2021.
● Constant research and development
● Round in shape to prevent any clogging
● Regular in house testing to ensure D10 and (UC) uniformity coefficient.
● Hard Silica Sand (sands high in silica are high on the Moh scale)

Comes with Schematic of sand box.

Low pressure pipe network
  • Site specifically designed using usepa
  • Unique Orifice shields to go over each hole protecting stone blockage and biomat buildup
  • Flush valves on the end of each lateral for maintenance housed in valve boxes for ease of access
  • Comes with easy to fit diagram
  • Drilled and cut
Plywood panels pre fabricated, less than 5 minutes to put together, these can be lined and supplied with an impermeable  liner.

We will go through installation onsite with installer and provide diagrams etc.

Give us call at 0862600438 or email wquaid@gmail.com for a price.